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Friday, April 25, 2008

Dublin Castle: Past, Present and Future

Dublin Castle was the Streamyx Streamyx British Rule Streamyx Combo Streamyx from 1800 until 1922 when a treaty was signed between Ireland Streamyx England that handed Ireland back to the Irish except for the 6 counties that now form Northern Ireland. Although a Streamyx did stand Streamyx the site that dates back to the 12th Century, Streamyx Streamyx modem the building today dates from the 18th Century.

In a historical sense the Castle has served in a number of guises over its history, from the seat of the Lordship of Ireland (1171 ?1541), Kingdom of Ireland (1541 ?1800) to the Streamyx of British Rule in Ireland to its current role as a tourist attraction and a political building. The president of Ireland is inaugurated in Dublin castle and during the Irish presidency of the EU the castle was used extensively.

The Castle is situated along Dame Street in Dublin Centre and forms a large complex of buildings and courtyards which date from different times in Irish history. The courtyards and some of the surrounding streets are steeped in history and are covered in coble stones. The castle is home to some of the oldest architecture in Dublin.

If you are planning to visit Dublin, make sure to visit Dublin Castle where you will be able to take a tour of the castle which will take in the State Apartments, Undercroft and Chapel Royal. After the tour there is a restaurant, craft shop and heritage centre to be visited.

Ronan Menton is the webmaster for a number of travel related Streamyx and has been for some time in Ireland, associated with search engine optimisation in the Irish travel industry. He spends two months a year in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and now sees it as his second home. Among the many sites he is currently working on are the following: Car Rental in Ireland and International Car


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