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Monday, May 12, 2008

Comcast Helps You Avoid Bundling Blunders

It seems like these days every major telecommunications company is offering some sort of bundled service package. Typically this is a way of marketing telecommunications services to private consumers in such a way that two or more services are invoiced on the same bill and the consumer is often given a major discount in exchange for entrusting that particular company with extra business. Generally, bundling services like this is a good idea for both you as a consumer and the company that's providing the services for you. You get great convenience and savings and the company gets more business.

Despite the apparent benefits of bundled services, there are some pitfalls that you could experience if you don't shop around carefully. On the other hand, you can avoid many of the pitfalls completely by choosing a higher quality company to provide you with your telecommunications needs.

One of the major pitfalls that you could encounter is the possibility of getting a bundled service package from a company that outsources one or more of the services that you've signed up for to another company. This is extremely common among satellite TV companies and traditional phone companies. That's because phone companies are decidedly ill equipped to provide TV and satellite TV companies are similarly ill equipped to handle phone services. Neither are particularly good at providing Internet service either. For example, when you sign up for a satellite TV service that can theoretically be bundled with a home phone calling plan and a high speed Internet connection, you're probably getting the phone service from a traditional telephone company (with all of the expense and frustration that goes with it).

The high speed Internet service will either come from the same phone company in the form of DSL or through a satellite Internet company. Neither of these options is particularly good because DSL tends to be relatively slow and satellite Internet service is both slow and expensive. Plus, as if to add insult to injury, the satellite Internet service also comes with a built in time lag which makes it impossible to use with real time applications like multi player video games, VoIP, and video conferencing!

The difference between this type of bundled package and the one that's provided by cable is that cable company uses digital cable technology instead of the pie in the sky technology of satellites and the archaic technology of phone lines. Digital cable technology is able to do at least as good of a job of providing TV service as satellite TV and with the implementation of new technology, it will likely be significantly better than satellite in the near future. Digital cable technology also does a better job of providing Internet access in terms of speed, response time, and value. Broad band high speed cable Internet access has about four times the speed that DSL or satellite are capable of and doesn't have the time lag of satellite. A cable based Internet connection is also a much better value than either of the others because, despite its greater speed, it doesn't cost any more than the typical DSL service and only costs about half of the monthly rate for satellite.

This article is for consumers looking for information on Best Comcast Cable Deals. It provides a resource for finding Comcast Special Deals, and any great Comcast High Speed Internet Deals that are currently available.

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Avoiding Local Loop Charges: Can It Be Done?

The most costly portion of any point to point data connection is the local loop, commonly referred to as the last mile? A local loop provided by the local exchange carrier (LEC) is a tariffed product that does not mirror current market rates. For many years, the LEC used commercial services to subsidize a mandate to provide services to all residential customers.

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 created competition to provide local loops to business customers. New companies commonly referred to as competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs) began to overbuild fiber networks to provide the last mile to business customers. The CLECs were not burdened with the requirement of providing service to all residential customers and therefore were able to provide aggressive prices for last mile connections.

The collapse of the telecom industry at the turn of the last century forced many of the early CLECs into bankruptcy. The fiber networks they built, however, are still in service. The trick is to know where to find them and understand how to leverage them. Finding alternative last mile providers is a combination of good detective work, tribal knowledge and creativity.

The first step in finding an alternative local loop provider is to determine what network providers have service to your building. If an alternative provider is already servicing customers in your location then you should be able to acquire a local loop for a fraction of the cost of one provided by the LEC. This is where the detective work comes into play. You can start by asking neighbors who provides their telecommunications service.

If there are no known alternative local loop providers in your building the next step is to determine which providers have network within 1000 feet of your location. This typically will classify your building as near-net?to a provider. In many cases an alternative local loop provider will consider extending their existing network to your location to provide service. The cost of the build out is then worked into your monthly service charge. Each network provider has a different business model to determine how much of the burdened cost of the network build is passed along to the customer. You want to search for a company that is willing to shoulder some of the cost in exchange for additional customers that they will acquire in your building.

The final option to consider is building a private fiber network to connect your locations, Although a large undertaking and extremely time consuming it can sometimes provide a short payback period of your bandwidth requirements are large. If you do not have a capital budget for this type of construction project there are companies that will build the network and lease it back in the form of a monthly service charge.

A prime example of a custom network build-out is a XXXXXXX company we recently serviced. They needed connectivity, but the LEC was going to charge $28K per month for lesser bandwidth. We were able to design and deploy a custom build of an OC48 connection for only $15K per month. With NEFs help, this company was able to get five times the bandwidth for nearly half the cost.

Deciding what connectivity solution is right for you will depend on your individual needs, time frame, budget, bandwidth and security, but you should take the time to find out if a fiber connection to avoid the local loop is possible.

Is there an easier way to find an alternative local loop provider? Call NEF at 877-DK-FIBER. One phone call will get you access to information on 40+ fiber providers and a database of nearly 30,000 lit buildings. If your location is not currently on-net with a service provider, NEF will map out the closest available networks.

At NEF, we have over 25 years of experience in the telecommunications industry, and we want to empower you with dark fiber information and services. Because NEF is carrier-neutral, our allegiance is to our customers and our charge is negotiating the best possible scenario to fit our customers' needs. Call us today at 877-DK-FIBER for more information!

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Internet Fax Providers

Internet fax providers may offer their services for free, but a lot actually charge fees for their services. There are some providers that require software installation; others only require web access; others require the ability to send and receive email only.

In choosing Internet fax providers, primary consideration must be on the needs and demands of the users. The number of Internet fax providers exist to outdo each other and to get as many clients as possible. Try not to be convinced by one without extensively reviewing all your choices. Also, it is best to ask reliable people about the best Internet fax providers instead of going for the cheapest or the seemingly nicest provider.

The services, charges, and efficiency of Internet fax providers vary although they all deliver faxes through email as attachments the same way. The services that they offer aside from their Internet fax service is meant as bonuses to attract consumers but may not exactly be needed later on. Careful consideration of your needs must be prioritized over choosing providers for the sheer number of add-ons.

Internet fax providers must be reliable and dependable. They must also work to integrate existing email systems without the hassles of installing new software or hardware. Again, the number of faxes you can send may be limited, so choose providers that can send as many as 100 outgoing faxes daily. Even the number of faxes coming in may be limited; once again it is important to know how much your provider can handle. There are providers that can receive 200 incoming messages daily.

Further, Internet fax providers may give the consumers local fax-to-email numbers that allow them to send and receive faxes directly to and from their email inboxes. They can also choose to read, save, print, or forward these messages with the click of a mouse. Depending on the provider, a 99.5% up-time may also be guaranteed, meaning no busy signals and 100% capability of sending and receiving every single time.

Internet Fax provides detailed information on Internet Fax, Internet Fax Services, Free Internet Fax, Internet Fax Providers and more. Internet Fax is affiliated with Broadcasting Fax.
